Google's Color Picker is the fastest way to lookup and edit digital colors.
No CommentsJan 15, 2020Reuben Hochstetler

Instead of Googling “color picker” simply enter the HEX color into Google’s search box.

I discovered this by accident. While trying to find an appropriate hover color for a button. I decided to search for a website that would recommend an appropriate “hover” color.

The article Google recommended suggested to manually edit the HEX color but didn’t automatically generate an appropriate hover color.

I could have opened Photoshop and used the color picker tool and I would have found the color I needed. But it takes too long to open Photoshop and find the correct tool to use. I’m no Photoshop expert.

My nerd instincts kicked in and I decided to search Google with the HEX code, hoping that they had a color picker built into their SERP (Search Engine Results Page). I was not disappointed.

Google’s Color Picker shows and allows editing by HEX, RGB, CMYK, HSV, and HSL. I don’t know what the last two color codes are.

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