Content Marketing

Position Your Company as the #1 Authority in the Space

Create original content that your customers are looking for.

Original Content Ideas

Questions your customers are asking

Content Briefs

Make your content creation easy

Written Articles

SEO optimized articles to build your authority

Are You Lost in the Search Results?

Are your competitors outranking you?

Getting Google to view your company as an authority in the space is critical to getting more leads and customers.

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Features That Lead to Success

I won't bore you with buzz words. Here are the website features that will set your company apart from the competition.

Increase Conversions

The more website visitors that become customers the more money you will make 🤑.

We use a proven formula for laying out each webpage. It's called the SB7 framework, and it works for any type of business.

Each section of the SB7 framework is designed to position your company as the guide and your customer as the hero. They have a problem and you will help them solve it.

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Blazing Fast

We follow best practices when developing your website.

While there are different ways to make a website function and look a certain way, if your developer doesn't follow best practices your website will load slowly.

Here are some of the things that impact page speed:

  • Use responsive images
  • Eliminate unnecessary scripts
  • Only using necessary HTML elements
  • Use caching

No one wants to wait for a page to load. A fast loading website is critical in keeping visitors on your website and getting them to convert into customers.

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SEO Optimized

Search Engine Optimization gets a lot of attention. It's not magic dust 🪄 you can sprinkle on a website to get ranked ahead of your competition. It's also not just installing an SEO plugin.

When we build website, we follow best practices like using proper HTML tags, including meta descriptions, adding image alt text, and many more things. It'll get boring to list them all 🙃.

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Content Marketing Products & Campaigns

Becoming an authority in your space is contingent upon you being helpful. The best way you can build trust is by answering questions your customers have.

52 Content Ideas


  • Content idea used for video, social media post, email, or article
  • Reuse each idea for an article, video, social media post, and email
  • Position yourself as an authority in the space
  • Organized list of real content ideas generated by real searches
  • Estimated search volume for each idea

52 Content Briefs


Content that is going to rank on Google and answer your customer's question needs to include the right topics and answer the right questions.

Here's how a content brief helps:

  • Makes writing articles or creating videos easy
  • Provides an easy to follow outline for your content creation process
  • List the questions to answer
  • List the main topics and sub topics to cover
  • List the keywords or terms to use

Content Marketing Campaign 1


  • Marketing dashboard to monitor the traffic and leads from your content marketing campaign in real time
  • 1 SEO optimized article published to your website each month

Content Marketing Campaign 2


  • Everything in the previous campaign
  • 2 SEO optimized article published to your website each month

Content Marketing Campaign 4


Weekly content is the fastest way to grow your authority. If you're serious about becoming a leader in the space, we highly recommend going with 4 articles per month for 6 months and then consider pulling back the frequency.

  • Everything in the previous campaign
  • 4 SEO optimized article published to your website each month

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Here's How It Works

Getting a new website is easy. Follow the steps below.

1. Schedule Appointment

This allows us to get aligned around the vision and goals for your project. In this meeting we will discuss a clear plan.

2. Choose Add-Ons

Choose the add-ons that will help you achive your company goals.

3. Grow Your Business

The primary reason for spending money on a new website is the return on the investment. When marketing plans follow a proven formula and are executed correctly, the website will be effective.

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Customer Testimonials

We are dedicated to serving small businesses like you and to help you reach your goals.